Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mason’s Book Picks: The Postman

I read a compulsively.

Some of you know what I'm talking about.
At the breakfast table I read the cereal boxes, front back and sides.

When I’m sitting in the doctor’s office or waiting for an oil change I pick up any old magazine, regardless of whether I care about the contents. (Sports Illustrated and Redbook come to mind)

And because I share the house with three members of the female persuasion (four if you count the cat) I have read any number of chick lit and mommy memoirs (as well as marketing books and children’s picture books).

I also read a lot of books by choice. But it’s those rare few books that I will go out of my way to recommend to others.

These are the books that had a powerful impact in some way or another on my very inner being. Some are books from my formative years, some I only recently was introduced to. Either way, Mason’s Book Picks will be a running off-the-top-of-my-head list of those books which influenced me as a writer and as a person.

They are in no particular order, honestly. I’m shooting from the hip here.

First up: The Postman by David Brin

I only recently discovered this book in my wife’s collection. I remembered seeing the trailers for the movie back in the day but never saw it. I’m glad I didn’t, because cracking open this brilliant dystopic novel sight-unseen was an incredible experience.

The writing captivated me with it’s almost Philip K. Dick-esque noir terseness. And the battle of ideals and ideas was very enthralling.

Look out next week or so when I throw another Mason’s Book Pick at you.

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