Friday, April 27, 2012

Contest: Win a Flippin' Kindle, Dude

No it's not my contest. I don't have the money to buy you a Kindle. But if you are a writer of sci-fi/fantasy/horror/awesome, Ken Kiser over at is giving away a Kindle 'cause he's crazy like that.

It's first-come-first-serve and caps out at 100 entries, so get off your duff and sign up!

7 Easy Steps to a Fulfilled Life:

This is probably what you'd get
if I were running the contest
2)    Read rules (they are short but manage to be slightly confusing anyways, whee!)
3)    Go to and create a login for the forum.
4)    Post a “hi my name is _____” in the WELCOME forum section. Say hi to a few people, make friends.
5)    Post the first 300 words of one of your novels/novellas/written voodoo spells in CONTESTS! > The Great Openings Contest
6)    Tell other writers!
7)    Wait to see if you win the Kindle.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fraternity of Flash

Fellow human beings and other life-forms (or undead forms) who read this blog: allow me to direct you to the grand opening of the Fraternity of Flash hosted by the irrepressible Misty Dahl.

As I mentioned before, the Fraternity of Flash is Misty's crazy idea to throw a bunch of writers together (award-winning, published pros and up-and-comers and fresh-from-the-bakery writers) with a little writer's challenge: Write a flash fiction story that has to include certain key phrases and/or words.

Sound fun? Sound interesting? Sound wild? Yes. Yes, to all.

I'm lucky enough to not only be a contributor, but am the official Editator... not that these stories need much editing, still us writers let slip a typo now and then no matter how careful. Each of the writers have come up with wildly divergent stories which will be featured over on Misty's blog (which you should follow) in the coming weeks.

I'll be attempting to give some brief reviews as they go up on her blog, so stay tuned.

I encourage you to leave comments on any story you read, as all us writers secretly fear that "no one cares" about the words we pull kicking and screaming from within the well of our hearts and souls.

And through all the noise and chaos of the electric world around us, maybe in the static words we write there will be found something that matters, something that is true. How many of us can remember a time when we were CHANGED by something we read?